Story of Giloy & Benefits Of It

Story of Giloy & Benefits Of It

Giloy is one of the ancient herbs used in the Ayurveda practice. It is found and harvested in the tropical regions of the country, especially in the state of Assam, Uttarakhand, and Bihar, due to favorable climatic conditions. Giloy is known by the Sanskrit word “Amrita” (which means the root of immortality) due to its diverse medicinal application. The plant’s stem is mostly used to prepare an immunity-boosting drink (kadha), powder, and capsules. It is a very healthy immunity booster with properties that are beneficial against fever, arthritis, diabetes, etc. It can be included in the diet easily as it has no side effects.

The common benefits of Giloy are as follows:

Treats Constipation

Bad eating habits, consumption of less water, and other health issues affect our digestive system. This further has a negative impact on our bowel movement leading to constipation, which can cause serious issues like piles. Giloy powder is effective in improving bowel movements if taken with amla juice. It helps in treating constipation in a relieving way.

Immunity Booster

A healthy immune system for any age group has become a key thing in times of this pandemic. Giloy has been effective against fighting viral and bacterial infections efficiently. It is rich in antioxidants which keeps our body cells healthy by scavenging free radicals and volatile molecules that are damaging to the cells. This ayurvedic immunity booster cleanses not only our blood but also our liver and excretory system. The effective removal of toxins detoxifies your body & enhances the immune system.

Story of Giloy & Benefits Of It

Giloy brings a host of health benefits.

Effective Against Fever

Giloy is very effective against high fever, especially in dengue and malaria. The antipyretic property in it is the key element in reducing high temperature. It increases the platelet count and thus is effective during dengue fever. Best results can be obtained if consumed with tulsi leaves, serving as a herbal immunity booster. This helps in faster recovery and keeps the temperature in control. Also, the giloy drink helps to cope up with physical weakness as well.

Prevents Diabetes

Diabetes has become a common disease in every alternate household. In most cases, it’s hereditary but our lifestyle also has a severe impact on it. Lack of exercise and stress are two primary causes of diabetes after the age of 30. Excessive glucose accumulates in our blood and is not broken down. Consumption of Giloy improves insulin production and enhances glucose breakdown, thus keeping the sugar level in control. Also, it prevents damage to the kidneys, which is common in diabetic patients. It boosts the proper functioning of the kidneys and removes blockages if there are any.

Effective For Arthritis

Arthritic joint pains can get severe if not treated from the beginning. Pain in knee and elbow joints is common for those who have Arthritis. Inflammation in the joints and high ERS (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) can result in severe pain. Giloy has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the rapid inflammation in the joints, thus lowering ERS. The pain is reduced if it is consumed daily with milk (a bit warm) as it is rich in calcium (helping in the development of bones) and contains essential vitamins, which are effective immunity boosters.

Reduces Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory diseases like Asthma and inflammations resulting in cough and tonsils can get worse if not treated earlier. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory property, Giloy reduces inflammation in the lungs as well as the respiratory tract, ensuring proper air passage. If consumed in the form of ayurvedic kadha, it will boost immunity and prevent cold and cough, which are common in asthmatic patients.

Good For Skin

Stress and anxiety can lead to early sagging of skin and wrinkles. Giloy has anti-aging properties which tighten the skin. Also, it is very effective in treating other skin issues as well like pimples and dark spots. Giloy leaves turned into a fine paste can be applied over the face twice a week for effective results.

These are some of the miraculous benefits of the herb Giloy, which is very important in the field of Ayurveda. This herbal immunity booster has really been effective in the critical times of the pandemic. For good health, free from diseases and pain, Giloy should be a part of everyone’s life, barring ages.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What is Giloy?

A. Giloy is one of the ancient herbs used in the Ayurveda practice. Giloy is known by the Sanskrit word “Amrita” (which means the root of immortality) due to its diverse medicinal application. The plant’s stem is mostly used to prepare an immunity-boosting drink (kadha), powder, and capsules. It is a very healthy immunity booster with properties that are beneficial against fever, arthritis, diabetes, etc.

Q. What are the common benefits of Giloy?

A. The common benefits of Giloy are as follows:
1. Treats Constipation
2. Immunity Booster
3. Effective Against Fever
4. Prevents Diabetes
5. Effective For Arthritis
6. Reduces Respiratory Diseases
7. Good For Skin

Q. Can we use giloy in treating constipation?

A. Giloy powder is effective in improving bowel movements if taken with amla juice. It helps in treating constipation in a relieving way.

Q. Will Giloy help us in boosting our immunity?

A. Giloy has been effective against fighting viral and bacterial infections efficiently. It is rich in antioxidants which keeps our body cells healthy by scavenging free radicals and volatile molecules that are damaging to the cells

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