Floral Tea Delights

Floral Infusions: A Delight for Your Senses

Floral Infusions: A Delight for Your Senses

Breathe in the essence of the lush Pahadi hills with each cup of our Floral Infusions, a sensation that's more than just a tea—it's a story steeped in every leaf. The Pahadi Story presents an enthralling range of teas for those who wish to indulge in the purity of nature, the joy of wellness, and the exquisite tastes of gourmet infusions.

Our Enchanting Range

Delve into the tapestry of flavours that our carefully curated floral teas offer:

  • Hibiscus Tea: Vibrantly tangy with a crimson hue, this tea harmonizes perfectly with light salads or the sweet tang of citrus desserts.
  • Strawberry Tea: A refreshing burst of summer that enhances the sweetness of shortcakes and the freshness of fruits.
  • Lemon Honey Green Tea: The zestful spark of lemon coupled with the soothing sweetness of honey is ideal for complementing honey-glazed pastries or lemon-flavoured dishes.
  • Chamomile Tea: A gentle lullaby in a cup, our Chamomile Tea pairs gracefully with the spice of ginger cookies or the softness of mild cheeses.
  • Peach Tea: Delight in the velvety whispers of peach, best enjoyed with the comforting companionship of light sandwiches or scones.
  • Rose Tea: Evoke the elegance of an English garden with infusions that suit the refinery of floral tarts and delicate meringues.
  • Jasmine Tea: Traverse to the Far East with this fragrant classic, an impeccable choice alongside Asian cuisine, including sushi and aromatic stir-fries.
  • A Commitment Woven into Each Sip

    A Commitment Woven into Each Sip

    The Pahadi Story is a symphony of values that sings through our offerings. We are purpose-induced, with a steadfast belief in balancing growth and goodness. It's much more than a business—it's our passionate journey within the quaint realms of the Himalayas, where local communities flourish by crafting these remarkable infusions.

    Ecologically conscious and socially responsible, our 100% natural floral teas elevate your moments of tranquillity into an act of empowerment for the regions that tenderly nurture these blooms.

    We invite you to be part of this gracious cycle of prosperity with every infusion, appreciating each petal's craftsmanship and the vibrant life it promises to the artisans.

    Join the Pahadi Narrative

    Brew, Sip, and Relish – as you unravel the tales of the hills with the Pahadi Story's Floral Infusion collection. It's not just tea; it's a delicate whisper of the Himalayas, cradling your senses and reviving your spirit.


    We are woven from the same Pahadi spirit that stands tall with resilience and wisdom. And just like the towering peaks, our promise to you stands firm - delivering only the best, from our heart to your cup.

    Experience the finest. Taste the purest. Embrace The Pahadi Story.

    Visit our website to explore our collection of floral infusions and start your journey with a delightful cup of tea that tells a tale of harmony, taste, and well-being. Enjoy the true essence of nature with every sip. Cheers!🌺  Namaste🙏

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